Adam Barnes

About Me

What I love about CHANGE is working with our clients, many of whom are at the top of their field, helping them achieve their life goals. Every piece of advice and assistance we provide helps them achieve their goals and live their best lives!

We often ask our clients what their end goal is. This allows us to implement strategies to meet those goals one year from now or in twenty years, not just prepare the latest set of financials and tax returns. At CHANGE, we encourage our staff and clients to look for and use the latest technology to improve processes that add value to the business.

I enjoy leading the CHANGE team. The team is passionate about their work and relationships with their clients.

Outside office hours, I can be found spending time with my young family, gardening, cycling, supporting the greatest football team (real football), the Geelong Cats, and enjoying most things car and motorsport related.

What most don’t know is that I did athletics growing up. I have won state championships and represented Victoria at the national level in pole vault, and medalled in javelin and racewalking.

Real wealth is discretionary time. Money is simply fuel for your life. You can always make another dollar, but you can’t make another minute. Don’t let the pursuit of money erode your wealth. — Alan Weiss

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